Inspired by his successful career Reginaldo Ferreira
da Silva rapper poet and writer Ferrez born and raised in Capão Redondo
South Zone of São Paulo in November 2009 opened Interdência an NGO that
through art shows that a better more dignified life is possible. less
vulnerable to marginality and the risks it brings. Through his own experience
Ferrez realized that the world of reading and education could promote
transformations in the difficult daily lives of children and adolescents in the
region. The project was born to interfere in each persons life story showing
new paths that lead them to assume the role of protagonists in their lives.
Always under the supervision of pedagogues and teachers today there are around
80 children and teenagers aged 6 to 16 in various activities developed by the
Ostentando o Saber project. To take part you must be enrolled in a course. From
8 am there are computer recreation workshops capoeira mosaic and much more. At
12 pm everyone has lunch together and then goes to school to return the next