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New space of the NGO Meninas de Sinhá is inaugurated in Belo Horizonte
After a month of planning and reform, the new space of the NGO Meninas de Sinhá was finally inaugurated last 14th, in Belo Horizonte. The project is the result of a partnership between the Société Générale Institute (ISG) and the Solidarity Decor, a nonprofit action that aims to promote social welfare through interior projects with the help of volunteer architects and decorators.
The headquarters of the NGO was repaginated so that the ladies had more space to produce their arts, besides the construction of a new computer room and reading space. The Solidarity volunteers contributed the workforce and the creative part of the project, while the ISG donated half the money to carry out the works. To collect the other half, representatives from the Sinhá Girls organized a feijoada solidária.
Claudio Lima, analyst of ISG and Fabrício Leite, commercial manager of ALD were present at the inauguration representing the SG Group. "This project was of extreme importance to the NGO because they really needed support for the reform and represents, above all, a new possibility for the ladies of Sinhá Girls to continue to produce their arts, readings and learning in a more organized environment , beautiful and sustainable. For ISG, it is a pleasure to contribute to the achievement of these results "Claudio concludes.

Canal do Colaborador
Canal do Colaborador


Societé Generale . 2017   by